Emerging technologies and the shifting priorities of employers and workers is rapidly changing the face of the Australian workplace. While technologies may bring organisations the promise of new opportunities, workers are increasingly looking for employers who can make a positive contribution to their wellbeing, as well as set them up for successful future careers. 

As these priorities intersect, Indeed, in collaboration with YouGov, has carried out a comprehensive study into the future world of work in Australia. The research involving over 2,000 working-age Australians, including those with recruitment responsibilities, reveals some unparalleled insights into what’s important to Australian workers – now and looking ahead – and offers guidance on what can be done to build the workplace of the future. 

The findings, which are presented in our latest report, Navigating the path forward: the future of work in Australia, highlight that by integrating the priorities of wellbeing and technology, companies may be well-placed to leverage the many advantages of emerging technologies while helping workers to be happier and healthier on their journey to the future workplace.  

Key findings from this report include: 

  • The importance of integrating the priorities of wellbeing and technology in the workplace
  • Intergenerational perceptions of emerging technologies at work
  • Workers’ concerns about technology and the impacts on their role and experience
  • The most important workplace priorities of employers and workers in the next two years

Download Navigating the path forward: the future of work in Australia, today to read the full report.

*The research in this report was commissioned by That Comms Co on behalf of Indeed and conducted by YouGov. The study was conducted online between 9 - 12 September 2022, involving over 2,000 participants.