Candidate Management
How can I see if a candidate applied to more than one of my jobs?
Click a candidate’s name to bring up the Candidate Detail Page. Under Notes, you’ll see a list of every one of your jobs the candidate has applied for.
Where are my past notes on a candidate?
Click a candidate’s name to bring up the Candidate Detail Page. On the right-hand side, you’ll see a full history of your candidate notes.
View of a candidate from the Candidate Detail Page.
How do I export candidates for a certain job?
Go to your Candidates tab, select a job, tick the select all candidates box, then click the export candidates button.
How do I export candidates for all jobs?
Go to your Candidates tab and select All Open and Paused Jobs, tick the select all candidates box, then click the export candidates button.
If you want to export candidates from a closed job, go to the Jobs tab and select the job from the closed jobs list. Then tick the boxes of all the candidates you want to export and click the export candidates button.
How can I find a candidate from a past job?
Go to the Candidates tab and search for the candidate in the search box at the top right of your Employer Dashboard. This searches Open and Paused Jobs by default.
Search for a candidate in the search box.
If you closed the job, go to the Jobs tab and select Closed Jobs at the top-left of your dashboard. Then select the right job title and search for the candidate you’re looking for.
Job Management
How do I edit my job?
Go to your jobs tab and click the blue Edit job text on the right-hand side of the job card.
In the condensed view (see below), click the Actions button, then select Edit jobs from the drop-down menu.
Select an option from the Actions drop-down menu.
How do I set the status of a job?
To pause, close or reopen a job, select the Status button on the right-hand side of the job card, then set the status you want.
To bulk set job statuses:
- Tick the boxes on the left-hand side of each job card
- A bulk status adjustment will appear above the job list on the right-hand side. Select the set status drop-down and set the status you want.
How do I see my job details?
Click the job title to bring up the job details page.
You can also reach this page by clicking the Actions button and selecting view job details from the drop-down menu.
Options displayed in the Actions drop-down
How do I filter my jobs?
Filter your jobs by entering a job title or location in the search bars at the top-left side of your dashboard. To remove the filter, click the X on the left side of the search bar.
By filtering, you arrange your candidates so the candidates who meet a qualification set by you are at the top of your list.
How do I sort my jobs?
Click the sort by drop-down at the right-hand side of your dashboard. From there, you can sort by posting date, job title, location or job status.
The sort by drop-down helps you find jobs quickly
How can I review my total monthly spend for all of my Sponsored Jobs?
Look for the Sponsored Job billing widget at the bottom right-hand side of the Jobs tab. Here you’ll find your total monthly calendar spend across all Sponsored Jobs.
How can I find my account-level budget?
Click the edit budget link on the Sponsored Job billing widget at the bottom right-hand side of the Jobs tab.
Account Settings
Click the the person icon in the upper right-hand part of the screen, then choose
Company Settings
Look for upcoming improvements to the search features in coming months.